Sunday, May 27, 2007

New Ministries

If you know of a new ministry or are in the process of starting something let us be part of your prayer team.


Simon Mapleback said...


The harvest is so large and our workers are diminishing - to reach the world we need to re-capture the vision you have for us in the here and now and also for going into the future.

Re-employ us with Your guidance, a strong vision of purpose and workers and leaders for many new ministries that will assist this world we live in and bring them to the foot of Your throne. May these ministries show the world how much we care and so in turn that they know the reason behind why we do what we do - to show them that You love them more than anything else.

I ask these things in Jesus wonderful Name

Anonymous said...

Forgive us for the times we have hurt each other, often untintentionally. Forgive us for the times we should have intervened and didnt. Forgive us for letting You down.

Lord, make us truly repentant, and help us to accept Your Forgiveness, and to learn and move on in Love.

Lord, heal those who have been hurt, and enable them to forgive those who hurt them, and fill their lives with Joy.

In Jesus' Name we ask. Amen

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
Lindy and myself have just started a girls 14+ small group at our corp. Prayer would be much appreciated!
Lord, these children of God have a heart and hunger for you. Equip us with the tools to create an environment in which hearts can be transformed and lies of our culture broken. Thank you that we can freely meet in your presence!