Sunday, May 27, 2007

Prayer for Rural Australia and Rain

A large portion of this great country is in drought. Lets pray for those who are hurting because of the drought. Lets pray for rain, that it rains in th catchment areas, farmer's dams fill, and our water supplies fill.

New Ministries

If you know of a new ministry or are in the process of starting something let us be part of your prayer team.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Prayer for Cadets

Say a prayer for the Cadets, add some words of encouragement.

Encouragement for the TC

The leader of the Salvation Army Southern Territory needs constant prayer and encouragement.

Prayer for the Salvation Army

Write your prayers for the Salvation Army.

Prayer Requests

Just write your request so we can all pray for your it. Please ask permission before you post someones elses personal information. God knows who the prayer is for we don't need to know.